An Old Friend: Version A Part 8

A loud noise coming from out in the hall jolted Michael awake.

"What on earth...?" he mumbled under his breath.  When he was awake enough so that his brain could register he realized what was happening.  Someone was banging on the door.

Michael's eyes widened.  He looked over at the bed on the other side of the room to see Lisa sleeping soundly.  He breathed a sigh of relief and turned his attention back toward the door.  He slipped his robe on and quietly made his way to the door, careful not to disturb Lisa.

He kept the chain fastened, and opened the door slightly only to see Terry Jones' anxious face looking up at him.  He rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Mike!" Jonesy screeched.

"Shh!!!" Mike hissed.

"Let me in," Jonesy demanded as he tried to push the door open.

"No, no, Terry. You stay here. I'll come out."

Jonesy looked at him curiously.  "What difference does it make?"

It made all the difference.  If Jonesy came into the room he'd see Lisa sleeping there, and Michael would never hear the end of it.  Michael held up his hands. "No....Just a moment, I'll come out."

Terry furrowed his brow in confusion then merely shrugged. 

Michael exited the room, closing the door softly behind him. "Now, what is it you dragged me out of my warm bed for at this early hour?" Michael said, slightly annoyed.

"Mike, we've got to go back and film the french taunting scene today," Jonesy said nervously. "It's a disaster."

Michael's eyes narrowed.  "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Gilliam and I were up all night cutting the film together and we've... well....we couldn't agree on a lot of bits."

Mike rolled his eyes and grinned.  Those two could hardly agree on anything.

"Anyway a lot of bits before 'Fetchez La Vache' ended up in the rubbish bin.  We've got to refilm that entire sequence today."

Michael felt a wave of nausea wash over him, not only because of the thought of spending another miserable day outside filming, but also because he'd have to cancel his plans with Lisa.  He couldn't let this happen.  He hadn't seen her for 5 years, and they'd just spent one night together.  Surely it wasn't nearly enough time.  He knew he'd have to bargain with Jonesy. "Um...Terry... are you sure we have to refilm the entire scene today?" he asked with a pained look on his face.  "I thought we were taking a break and wouldn't resume until 2:00."

Jonesy sighed, annoyed. "Yes, Mike, but that was before I realized we'd have to shoot the entire scene over! We have to start earlier if we're going to get it all in the bag, and stay on schedule!"

Michael closed his eyes and sighed deeply.  "Alright, when do you need me?"

"We're going to be setting the cameras up and will start shooting by 9:30."

Michael thought for a moment.  "Alright, I'll meet you all then outside Doune.  Right now I've got some....things to take care of."  He turned his head toward the door of his room.

Jonesy looked at him.  "What 'things'?" he asked curiously.

"Just a few personal items, if you don't mind," Mike answered.  With that, he went back into his room as Terry slowly walked away.

Michael softly closed the door behind him.  He looked over at Lisa, still sleeping peacefully.  She was clutching one of the pillows underneath her chest and had a serene smile on her face.  Michael looked at her thoughtfully and chuckled.  How cute she looked when she slept. 

As he continued to gaze at her, something stirred within him and he realized how deep his feelings were for her.  He had always loved her deep down and it hurt when he didn't have the opportunity to see her.  He knew right then and there that his heart belonged to her. 

He walked over to the bed, bent down and began smoothing her hair down.  He moved in closer to her and softly kissed her on the forehead. "My angel," he whispered.  She snuggled in more tightly as if in response to his gesture. 

He was now more aware of his feelings for her than ever.  He turned his head  toward the night table, looked at his travel clock and saw that it was 6:45 A.M.  He wondered if any of the shops in the town a few minutes away would be open.  They'd almost certainly have to be.

After quickly changing out of his PJs and into his jeans and a sweater, he grabbed his coat, car keys and room key and walked toward the door.  Just before exiting, he turned back toward Lisa who was still asleep.

"I'll be right back, my dear." he said softly.  He then turned toward the door and exited the room.



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