An Old Friend: Version A Part 7

It was close to 2 a.m. by the time they arrived back at the hotel.  Michael was a bit surprised to see that there was hardly anywhere to park, either in front of the hotel or across the street.  Then he recognized that some of the cars belonged to a few of his fellow Pythons.  He found a space across from the hotel and parked the car. 

He looked over at Lisa.  She had fallen asleep again, the sweet girl.  He smiled at her and patted her on the shoulder. "Lisa?" he said, in almost a whisper. 

She did not move.  He nudged her a bit. 


"Hmm?" she slowly opened her eyes.

"We're back.  You fell asleep again, my dear," Michael smiled.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry Michael.  I guess I had a bit too much to drink," she giggled.

Michael giggled a bit himself. "No, no that's quite all right.  'Twas an appropriate occasion.  And besides, you weren't doing the driving...thank God." He had said this last bit quite seriously with a straight face, which made her laugh.  She loved his teasing.  The corners of his mouth curled up as he began to laugh alongside of her.

As they exited the car, she found that she couldn't even walk straight.  He held onto her and they made their way up the walk to the front double doors of the hotel.  Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind.  What if the other Pythons were still up? They couldn't just waltz into the place like that, especially with him holding onto a drowsy, slightly intoxicated girl!  If they found out about her staying in his room, he'd never be able to live it down.  Thinking quickly, he sat Lisa down on the small, cushioned wooden chair on the side of the entranceway.  Then he headed for the doors. 

She began to sober up.  "Michael? What's going on?"

He turned towards her.  "Just wait here for a moment, Lisa.  I'll be right back," he said softly.

"Why, what are you doing?" she asked.

"I just want to make sure that nobody is around, particularly the Pythons.  If they find out you're staying here - "

"Oh, I forgot all about that!  I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, wide-eyed.

He gave her a reassuring smile.  "No, that's quite all right.  Won't be a moment, I promise."

Michael cautiously made his way through the doors, half expecting his friends to be sitting right there waiting for him, grinning knowingly after hearing some fishy tale from Eric.  He breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that the place was deserted.  The manager had even taken a break, and there was no one manning the reception desk.  Now he had to make sure that no one was watching him from upstairs.  From the foot of the stairs, he looked upward.  From this vantage point, there didn't appear to be anyone around.  'So they've all finally turned in for the night,' Michael thought to himself.  

He walked back outside to rejoin Lisa. "Well, looks like everyone's settled in for the night," he exclaimed.

"So it's all right if we go in now?" she asked, a bit uneasy.

"Yes, the coast is clear," he said, giving her a reassuring smile. "Come, my dear." 

She held onto his arm as they entered the hotel.  He was right, the place was deserted.  It was also quite dark, so she continued to hold onto him for support.  She followed closely behind him as they made their way upstairs.  His room was the 8th room on the right, so they had a bit of a distance to go. 

As they passed Eric's room, they heard what sounded like voices and laughter.  Michael rolled his eyes and wondered if Eric ever got any sleep at all.  "Blimey, after 2 a.m. and still watching the telly," he muttered to Lisa.  Lisa shook her head and grinned.

Once they made it to Michael's room, number 208, he reached for his key and slowly twisted the knob.  After flipping on the light switch, he motioned for Lisa to enter.  She walked into the room, and he closed the door behind her.

"Well," he sighed happily. "Here we are." 

She looked around.  It was a fairly modestly-sized room, with two twin beds, a mirror and dressing table, a wardrobe, and a bathroom. "Lovely," she half-smiled.

"See? I told you not to expect anything fancy," he grinned.

"Oh, that's all right.  It should do for tonight," she answered. After mouthing those words, she suddenly realized that she hadn't brought any other clothes with her, and she wasn't about to sleep in her undergarments.  Fortunately it wasn't too hot in the place, so she would have to sleep in her day clothes.  She was used to it anyway, after all that time spent cramming for exams and spending late nights writing papers in university.  She did have her toothbrush with her, however.  She always carried it in a small travel kit she kept in her purse. "Er, anyplace where I can brush my teeth?" she asked.  'What a dumb question,' she thought to herself.

"Ah yes.  The bathroom's in the corner there," Michael answered.  He put his things down and sat on the bed.

"Oh good.  I'll be out shortly," she said as she retreated to the bathroom. 

Michael playfully gave her a little wave.  This would give him a chance to get himself ready.  He quickly changed into his PJs, and reached for his reading glasses and a book he'd been wanting to finish up.  It was a book by Thomas Hardy, one of his favorites. 

When Lisa exited the bathroom, she found him stretched out on his bed, engrossed in the novel.  She had never before seen him wear glasses for reading.  He still looked as handsome as ever in them, she thought.  She curiously looked at the cover of the book he was reading.

He looked up, unaware that she had been standing there. "Oh, finished already?  I've got to freshen up as well." He got up, fished his toothbrush out of one of the bags, and headed for the bathroom.  "I shant be long," he said as he entered the bathroom.

Upon exiting the bathroom, he found that Lisa had made herself at home, and was stretched out on the other bed, with one of the pillows under her arms.  He smiled, picked up the book and his glasses, and laid back down on the bed, reading some more. 

She looked over at him. "It's getting pretty late.  Are you sure you won't be filming tomorrow?"

He stopped reading and looked at her.  "Oh - no.  Well, not until the early afternoon, anyway.  Terry thought it would be good to take a break so he and Terry Gilliam could review some of the rushes - the material we already filmed.  We may not resume filming until 2:00."

"Oh.  So we also have part of tomorrow to be together, then."

"Yes, that's right," he said softly.

"Oh, that's just wonderful, Michael.  So...ahh, what else could we do?  I'm all out of ideas," she said, a bit frustrated.

"Well, tomorrow is another day.  I'm sure we'll think of something," he smiled.

"Sounds marvelous.  Well, er....good night," she said, feeling a bit awkward.

Michael gave her a look of surprise.  "'Good night?' That's it??" he giggled. "'Good night'?  Lisa, we're best friends.  Come over here."

She walked over to him as he put down his book and removed his glasses.  He put his arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Now THAT," he said quietly, "is more like it."

"Oh yes," she said breathlessly. "What in God's name was I thinking?" 

He giggled a bit and looked into her eyes, not prepared for what was going to happen next.  She grabbed him, kissed him hard on the lips, with such a force that she knocked him down onto the bed, and she toppled over him. 

As she got up, she felt her face grow hot in embarrassment.  What must he think of her? She looked over at him.  He was looking at her, his eyes wide in shock.  She thought he would not talk to her the whole night for that. 

Instead, he started laughing.  Something made her start laughing as well.  The two of them laughed until tears came out of their eyes. 

"Oh my," Michael laughed. "You've been nothing short of unpredictable this whole evening!"

She calmed down a bit, then exclaimed, "Yes, I know.  I'm so sorry I shocked you like that.  I hope I didn't give you a heart attack!"

"Hmm, let me check..." He put his hand over his heart as if to feel for his pulse. "Nope, I'm still going," he grinned. 

She giggled.  "Oh well, I guess we'd better turn in."

"Ah yes, I believe that's what we were trying to accomplish before you attacked me," he teased, raising one eyebrow.

"No, that's what we were trying to accomplish before you disturbed me by calling me over here to show me the proper way of saying goodnight," she teased back.

"Disturb you??" Michael raised his voice an octave. "Oh, come on, Lisa! That wasn't a proper goodnight and you know it," he said, still teasing.

She giggled again.  "Okay, you win."  She went back over to him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight.  Is that better?"

He smiled.  "Much better.  I will see you on the morrow, Lisa."

"G'night," she yawned.  She turned off the light next to her night table, and soon drifted off to sleep. 

Michael put his glasses back on and began to read some more.  A few minutes later  he looked over at Lisa, now sleeping.  He smiled, put his book and glasses down, and shut off the light.



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