An Old Friend: Version A Part 6

Lisa looked over at Michael, wondering what he had in store for them.  Ah, what does it matter, she thought to herself.  The important thing was that she was with him and was thoroughly enjoying his company. 

She sighed and leaned her head back against the headrest.  Wherever they were going, it seemed to be quite a drive, past inns and pubs, cottages, miles of Scottish moors.  Soon they were out on a narrow, one-land road in the wide open country, quite a desolate place.  She finally let curiosity get the better of her. "Michael," she asked expectantly, "where is this lovely place you have in mind?" 

"Don't worry, you'll see when we get there," he smiled. He looked into his rear-view mirror.  His was the only car on the road.  This is perfect, he thought to himself, at last we can spend some nice time alone together, miles away from any of the Pythons. 

After about 15 minutes, they reached the edge of the moors.  A short drive up a gentle hill, and at last Michael parked the car on the side of the dusty road.  "Well," he said, putting the car into park and shutting off the ignition. "Here we are." 

Over the top of the hill, the land sloped downward after a few feet, and a few hundred yards away was the shoreline.  From this vantage however, it wasn't very easy to see everything.  Michael saw Lisa squinting out at the windshield and started to giggle at his own short-sightedness. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said, shaking his head. "What was I thinking? Let's get out for a better view." 

He got out of the car, hurried around to the other side and opened the door for her.  After she got out she started walking out in front of the car.  He put his arm around her and sighed, "Ah, what a marvelous view, don't you think?" 

"Mmm, yes," she replied. 

They walked toward the shoreline, and in the distance the island of Skye loomed into view.  The waves gently crashed against the jagged rocks.  It was a lovely spot, and aside from the cool, damp air it was a beautiful night.  As they reached the edge of the shoreline, Michael spotted a little stone bench. "Well, looks like we've been fortunate enough to find someplace to sit."

"Michael?" Lisa started, once they had sat down.

"Yes, my dear?” he responded softly.

"I've really enjoyed myself tonight," she said solemnly. "I've really enjoyed seeing you again."

He patted her shoulder.  "And I've enjoyed your company as well.  You can't possibly know how good it is to see you after all these years."

"Oh, yes I can," she said dreamily.  She looked into his eyes, and they embraced.  It was quite cold out there, but she felt nice and warm being in his arms.  Without realizing it, she began to run her fingers through his hair.  Not only did it look wonderful, but it felt so soft and fluffy between her fingers. 

Michael suddenly realized what she was doing and became a bit embarrassed.  "Uh...L-Lisa?" he blurted out.

"Yes, Mikey?" she cooed.  She hadn't called him Mikey in a LONG time.

"Er....I-I think your watch is nearly caught in my hair," he laughed nervously. 

She opened her eyes, and a look of total mortification appeared on her face.  She couldn't believe what she was doing! Embarrassed, she removed her arms from around his neck and moved toward the other end of the bench, looking away from him. "I can't believe what I just did.  I am so sorry Michael, and I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me for the rest of the night," she said, putting her head down. Sure, she was being melodramatic, and knowing Michael she should have given him more credit, but she couldn't get over her embarrassment.
For a few seconds he didn't say anything.  Then he moved closer to her and put his arm around her, gently giggling. "Oh, Lisa - please don't be silly.  That is the least of your worries.  You'd have to do something one hundred times worse to ruin this night for me."

"Really?" she asked.

"Really really." he answered softly. 

She sighed, and rested her head on his shoulder.  Next thing she knew she had fallen asleep, and Michael was gently nudging her. "Lisa?" 

She woke up, staring into his face. His eyes were full of concern and his hair was blowing ever so slightly in the wind. "Oh my," she started, groggily, "did I doze off?" Once her question was met with a sympathetic nod from Michael, she continued, "what time is it?" too lazy to look at her own watch. 

He glanced down at his watch. "1:15 a.m." 

Her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake you sooner, but I didn't want to disturb you.  You looked so lovely and peaceful, with your head resting on my shoulder....." he trailed off, blushing a bit.

"Oh my goodness," she said with a start. "I just realized that I have nowhere to stay! I guess I'd better start looking for a hotel in the area."

"You won't have to, my dear," Michael answered. "You can stay with me."

"Oh? Is there a vacancy at your hotel?" she asked.

"Well, er - I don't know about that, but you can stay in my room," he smiled.

"" she said, a bit surprised. 

"Oh yes, it's no problem," Michael replied, looking into her eyes. "There's an extra bed in the room, though I have to warn you - it may seem nice in the lobby, but it's not the Ritz."

"Oh, I don't care about that," she smiled. "Just as long as I have somewhere to sleep..... But wait a moment - will the other Pythons find out?"

Michael soberly looked straight ahead.  He hadn't thought about that.  He'd have to hide her if any of the guys dropped by. "Well," he said quietly, "I think I can work something out."  He turned toward her and smiled, patting her on the back. "Come on, we'd best be getting back.  It's getting a bit more chilly." 

She nodded and shivered somewhat as he led her back to the car.  They then began the long ride back to the hotel.



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