An Old Friend: Version A Part 10

Lisa pulled her coat around her tightly as the cool, damp breeze rushed toward her once they exited the hotel.  She looked up at Michael, only in his costume. "Aren't you cold with just that on?" she asked, concerned.

"Oh, no, I'm fine, Lisa," Michael answered, forcing a smile.  "This heavy knitted wool armour is doing its more ways than one."  He began scratching at the back of his neck. She watched him and giggled. "I suppose you didn't know I had an allergy to wool, eh?" he joked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! Awww...poor baby," she giggled, patting him on the shoulder.  "You've really had it rough up here, haven't you?  You should bring this up to that...Terry Jones, really!"

Michael grinned and shook his head.  "No, no, it wouldn't do any good.  We've all been griping nonstop since we arrived up here, Terry would just tune me out.  Besides, the other day I nipped down to the pharmacy and hoarded some chamomile, so I should be alright for the duration of filming."

She looked up at him and smiled.  "I have to admit you're quite a trooper.  I admire that in a man."

Michael blushed slightly and smiled back.  "Well, to be honest my dear, being here with you makes it all worthwhile." 

She arrested the girlish giggle which almost made its way out of her throat and blushed.  He pulled her in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  Then he put his arms around her and they embraced.  Lisa sighed contentedly.  It felt so good to be back in Michael's arms again, knitted wool or no knitted wool. 

Just then, Lisa's eyes gleamed mischievously.  She reached over toward the back of Michael's head and yanked at a strand of his hair.

"Yeoowwwww!!!! That really hurt!" he cried, half surprised and half amused.

She raised an eyebrow at him and smiled in satisfaction. 

Michael grinned mischievously at her.  "You silly little child, so pulling hair is your thing, eh?  You've got such lovely hair..."  He playfully lunged at her, aiming for her hair.  "...give it to me!!"  She immediately darted away from the front of the hotel, around to the side where Michael's car was parked.

He chased after her, laughing.  "Get back here!! You won't get away with that!" he yelled. 

She giggled impishly as she outran him.  As she made it to Michael's car, she hid behind it to surprise him when he caught up with her.

Michael slowly walked up to the car, panting.  "Lisa?  He wiped the sweat from his brow.  He scratched the back of his head, thoughtfully, wondering where she had taken off to.  Suddenly, he heard a clink! noise, of what sounded like a bracelet or piece of jewelry hitting the ground, followed by very muffled swearing.

A grin crept across Michael's face as he slowly edged his way around the car.  He saw her kneeling on the ground behind it, still unaware that he was standing right there.  Apparently she had dropped her purse and a few coins had fallen out.  She was picking the coins up and putting them back in. 

Michael stood there and cleared his throat sharply.  She stopped what she was doing and looked up at him.  He stood there motionless, then suddenly he lunged forward and grabbed her.

"I'VE GOT YOU!!" he yelled triumphantly as he put his arms around her.  She yelped in surprise and started giggling.  She put her arms around him and they hugged tightly.

"Now, what was that all about?" he giggled, still with his arms around her.

"Just an enjoyable escape from mediocrity, Michael," she replied jokingly.

He took his arms off of her and looked in her eyes.  "Being with you is an escape from mediocrity, love," he said softly, smiling gently at her, "- an escape which I hope will never end."  He looked down at his scabbard, then stopped himself as he caught a glimpse of his watch.  It was nearly 20 minutes after 9, and he was supposed to be at Doune castle for filming at 9:30.

"Come on," he said quietly.  "We haven't a moment to waste."  He opened the door for her, then got around to the other side and opened his.  She slipped in and shut the door, as he entered on the other side.  He glanced over at her with a quick smile, then turned back and started the ignition, put the car into gear and they headed off. 


As they made their way toward the castle, Michael, a bit nervous, decided to make conversation. " you ever been to Doune castle?" he asked.

She shook her head.  "No.  I went on a tour of Glamis castle once over Spring Holiday, but that was ages ago."

"Ah.  Well, I think you'll like it, actually.  It dates back to the fourteenth century and is quite a charming old place, inside and outside.  Quite authentic-looking for our film."

She nodded thoughtfully.  

It was a surprisingly short drive to Doune from the hotel.  As they neared the castle, Lisa could see the vans parked outside and all the equipment being set up.  Michael drove around toward the front and parked the car.  Just then, the smile faded from Lisa's face and her eyes narrowed.  "M-Michael?" she spoke up, stammering nervously.

Michael turned toward her.  "What is it, love?" he asked, picking up on the uncertainty in her voice.

"Didn't you mention last night that you haven't told any of the Pythons about me?"

Michael turned back around, and his eyes widened.  He had forgotten all about that.  He put his head back, shut his eyes and sighed.  What was he going to tell them?  Was she just a Python fan he'd met who was interested in watching them film?  Was she his sister?  No, that's silly, he thought, my sister is 9 years older than I am.  He shook his head, frustrated.  Lisa looked over at him, concerned.

Just then, he realized he was acting ridiculous.  Why shouldn't he tell them about her?  'You can't hide from them forever, Michael,' he thought to himself.  He'd have to introduce her to them sooner or later, especially the way his feelings were for her right now. 

He turned back toward her and smiled.  "Don't you worry about it, Lisa.  I'll take care of everything." 

She sighed heavily as he opened his door and slipped out of the car.  He reached over into the back seat and grabbed his costume bag.  She remained in the passenger seat, looking a bit nervous.

"Coming, dear?" Michael asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh..yes...I'll be along shortly.  I'm just checking to make sure I didn't forget anything," she answered.

Michael rolled his eyes and grinned.  "Alright, well they're setting up behind the castle for the scene, so when you're ready, look for me out there."

She smiled weakly.  "Alright."  He winked at her and hurried along to join the others for the filming of the French Taunting scene.

Lisa looked out the window and sighed.  She thought about staying in the car, but no doubt she'd worry Michael.  She didn't know how Michael's friends would take to her, and she really hoped they weren't the ignorant, insensitive types who would make remarks about her and embarrass Michael.  What am I worried about? she thought.  If they were anything like dear, sweet Michael, there was nothing to worry about.  It's just a chance she'd have to take.  She rose from the seat, opened up the door, and carefully slipped out, closing it behind her.  She slowly made her way up to the castle...


Michael panted as he hurried along to the back of the castle.  He ended up being a few minutes late, and knew that Jonesy would be ticked off.  He groaned as he heard Terry screeching to one of the cameramen about something-or-other.

"Terry?" he began shyly.

Jonesy turned his head sharply around to face Michael.  "Mike!!" he exploded, "Where the hell were you?? You were supposed to meet us here at 9:30!! We were about to send a search party out to find you!"

Michael cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.  "Terry, it's not even a quarter to 10 yet..."

"I DON'T CARE!" Jonesy squealed, interrupting him.  "When we're filming, every minute is precious!! Especially since we're already behind schedule!!! Now take your mark there between John and Graham!!" He abruptly pointed toward the others who were in their places to begin the scene.

Michael walked over to his spot with his head down, cursing Jonesy under his breath.  He was glad Lisa didn't have to see this.  He didn't want her to think that all of his friends were the squealing, uptight Welshmen that Jonesy was.  He took his place between Graham and John, as John flashed him a quick sneer.  Graham was too intoxicated to care, and Michael looked over at him with a pained look on his face.  He hoped Gray could keep his lines straight, as any more foul-ups would really set Jonesy off.

With the cameras rolling, Graham started.  "HELLO!!" he shouted up to the parapets.

"Hello! Who is it?" one of the crew, reading John's lines, asked.

Just then, Graham blanked out.  He had forgotten his lines and turned toward Michael, muttering "What's the next line?"

"It is King Arthur, and these are my Knights of the Round Table," Michael muttered to him, under his breath. 

"Ah.." Graham nodded.  "IT IS KING ARTHUR, AND THESE ARE MY-" 

Jonesy, dressed as Sir Bedevere, suddenly shook his head violently and yelled "CUT!! No, No, NO!! Now what is wrong with you, Graham?? Asking Mike to feed you the lines like that!! Can't you go to the trouble to learn your own lines for once?"

Graham glared at him.  "Aw, stuff it, Jonesy," he returned.     

Michael rolled his eyes as he saw Jonesy's face grow bright red.  He wondered what was keeping Lisa.  Oh well, at least she doesn't have to witness all of this, he thought.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.  He thought he saw a young woman coming from around the side of the castle toward them.  At first he couldn't tell if it was one of the Castle Anthrax girls, or Lisa.  But as she came closer, he realized she wasn't wearing a costume.  It had to be Lisa.  He smiled broadly, and walked up to her.

He put his arms around her, but she nervously shied away, worried that the others would instantly pick up on their affection toward each other.  Luckily Michael understood, as he was quite nervous himself.  He didn't know how the others would take to her.

Instead, he smiled at her.  "I'm glad you could come here and watch us film," he said, over Jonesy's shouting at Graham.

She smiled nervously.  "I'm glad to be here...well, with you anyway.  I have to admit that when I heard all that shouting, it intimidated me quite a bit," she began to giggle.

Michael laughed.  "And I as fact there isn't a person I've never met who isn't intimidated by that high-pitched Welsh squeal," he grinned.  "A few tips about dealing with Terry: don't get into an argument with him unless you have a free week."

Lisa tossed her head back and laughed.  "Oh my, he sounds like quite an irrepressible soul!"

"That's right," Michael agreed.  "Oh, did I mention that he's Welsh?" he winked.

Lisa laughed until tears came to her eyes.  Michael found himself relaxing as he laughed along with her.

Just then, Jonesy turned his head, aware of the laughter and the fun they'd been getting at his expense.  He narrowed his eyes.  "Mike?" he asked, curiously.

Michael and Lisa stopped laughing.  Michael looked at Jonesy in surprise as the other Pythons turned their attention toward them.  Lisa felt a pang of worry well up inside her body.

"Who is this girl, and what is she doing here??" Jonesy demanded.

Michael was almost too shocked to speak.  He swallowed hard.  "Er...Terry...she's-"

"She's disrupting filming!!  Take her away!!" He yelled.

Michael now thought Jonesy was being completely unfair.  "But Terry..." he protested.

"Hey, Terry, give Mike a break!" Gilliam interrupted.  Michael looked up at Terry, surprised.

Gilliam turned toward Michael, grinning.  "So, uh...Mike." he began.  "Who is this girl?"  He walked past Lisa, eyeing her up and down.  Lisa looked at him timidly.

Before Michael could answer, John and Graham joined in.  "Ah, I bet she's one of those Castle Anthrax girls," John smirked.  He nudged Michael in the ribs.  "So, I guess Galahad was able to get lucky, eh, Mike? Know what I mean, eh?" He raised his eyebrows up and down, grinning.

Eric joined them, looking at John with his eyes narrowed.  "Hey, you stole my line!" He said to John.

"Come on, Mikey boy, spill the beans!" Graham goaded.  Michael rolled his eyes.  Why were they doing this to him? And why did Lisa have to watch this?

"Well, if he won't talk, perhaps the girl will tell us," John said in a challenging tone.  He walked slowly up to Lisa, who was cringing.  It was the worst she'd hoped for. 

John walked up to her with a sleazy grin on his face.  "So tell me, madam, do you have a thing for Galahad here?" He gestured over toward Michael who was rolling his eyes in disgust.  "Are you a - shall we put it - 'Gal He Had'??" John made lewd gestures with his fingers as he said this, which completely mortified Lisa.  She could barely speak as Graham broke out in giggles over John's remark.

She shook her head slightly.  "I...I.." was all she could get out.  She turned and faced each of the Pythons individually.  They were each looking at her with wide grins on their faces, if not giggling, except for Michael who was blushing furiously and shot a look of pity in her direction.  She felt her face grow hot with embarrassment, and her instinct told her to run.  Run she did, all the way around to the front of the castle and inside.  The tears were streaming down her face as she ran inside and up the stairs to the top floor.

Michael rolled his eyes and shot an angry glare at the others. "I hope you guys are satisfied," he spat out at them.  He turned and ran after Lisa.  The other Pythons stood there, not saying a word.

"LISA!!" Michael yelled, as he ran toward the front of the castle.  He couldn't believe this was happening.  If only he had told the others about her years earlier, none of this would have happened.  As he reached the castle doors, he hoped he would be able to find her, and most importantly, that she'd be able to forgive him for his friends' disgusting behavior.



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