Ye Olde Cheese Page!!!

Cheese Page

Confused? Let me explain...

One day, not too long ago, a scatalogical feline posed that our site was fairly uncontaminated by cheese. Well, we, the founders of this site, have tried our best to rectify the situation:
cheese! Cheese!! Cheese!!! Cheese!!!!

And finally...

And MORE cheese!!

So, therefore, we are pleased to announce that we are now (at least partially) contaminated by cheese!! YES, WE HAVE CHEESE!!!

The power of cheese
straight from Wensleydale's, Mr. Wensleydale, that is...


©JLM, 2002-2016. No copyright infringement is intended. Please do not hotlink or use any images, fanfics, or other creative works (except for the "Fun Stuff") without permission. Please email me if you'd like to use something; if you do play click 'n swipe, please give credit to my site with a link. Thanks.