Vampire Python: Part 8

Mike watched as his friend gave out a groan and dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. He glared at Rebecca who looked at him with an evil smirk...

"You Goddamn bitch!" he screamed." He better be alright or you'll pay for it!"

"Oh...he's alright...for now!" Rebecca said as he leered at him. "Whether he remains alright is entirely up to you!"

"What do you mean by that?" Mike said as he desperately tried to think of how to get Eric away from her.

"Oh...I was just thinking of turning him into a vampire." Rebecca said casually, looking down at Eric's still form. "I do want some company and since you are less than enthusiastic about staying with me, I guess I'll just have to take who I can get. Next to you, Eric here, does seem to be the prettiest of you lot. I do prefer my sex slaves to be good looking, call me shallow, I guess..."

Mike's face went ashen...

"Leave him alone. He doesn't deserve to be a vampire. I'll go with you, I swear!"

Rebecca raised an eyebrow and an amused grin spread across her face...

"You mean, I've been trying to get you to be with me for about 11 years now and all I ever had to do was threaten your friends? Really, Mike, you disappoint me..." she gave Mike a mock pout.

"Yes, You got me. You win. I'm gonna stop running now. Do what you want with me..." Mike said quickly.

He looked over as Eric moaned briefly and slipped back into unconciousness...

"But if I go with you, I want you to promise me you'll keep away from my friends..."

Rebecca looked from him back to Eric and back up again with a smirk...

"Nah, I think I'll make you work for my love." she said

Mike furrowed his brow in confusion...


"I'm going to make this into a game, dear! A little game of hide and seek. I'll hide with Eric here, and you'll have to find me before I turn him into a vampire..."

Mike stared at her in shock. Slowly the shock was replaced by rage....

"You bitch! You fucking bi..."

Before he could finish, Rebecca lunged forward and grabbed Mike by the neck. As she had done with Eric, she rammed him against the wall and watched as he dropped, unconcious, to the ground....

"No fair peeking while we hide!" she said as she started to drag Eric to her car...

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