Just the Three of Us: Chapter 8

It always brought a smile to John's face to see the large number of folks that filled the seats, ever since the very first show, the crowd kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

He loved hearing people laugh at the things the Pythons did, no matter how outrageous or how looney. The six of them were working as a cohesive unit now more than ever, well really eight, counting Carol and Julia. Julia especially seemed to be coming along quite well for someone with absolutely no stage experience whatsoever. And everyone loved her to bits.

As he stood there thinking these thoughts, he noticed TJ and Mike deep in conversation.

God knows what else those two are up to. It's always something with 'em.

The first sketch of the night was a bit called " Art Gallery", Julia noticed, scanning over the script in a last ditch effort to calm her nerves.

Carol peered over her shoulder, reading along.

"I'm the only girl in this bit!" said Julia in a awestruck voice.

"Yup, funny that," laughed Carol.

"Eric asked me out for later, just him and me," whispered Julia, then sighed. "I can't wait."

Carol smiled. "Where's he taking you?" she asked.

"Well, prolly to get something to eat and go see a film. 'Tis the first night we were ever out on our own."

"You two never had a date yet?"

"No, usually when this is over it's pub time as you know, or sleep time. Just be so knackered by the time you get there, its lights out."

"Feels good to call you and him 'We' then? I can tell."

"Could I call him my boyfriend? Would it be too soon?"

"Nah I wouldn't think so," said Carol. "He wouldn't just be your boyfriend, he'd be a live in boyfriend."

"I'm living in his flat," said Julia, missing the point entirely.

"Don't worry about the technicalities, Julie. You've got a great thing going here."

"Thanks Caro," said Julia, continuing her reading. "Ooh! He sings in this, love when he does that."

Carol smiled.

"Let's see, I come in midway, Mike's really nasty to me, I run off a sobbin'," read Julia. "That it?"


"I remember Johnny and Gray are girls in this. What's that they call it?"


"Funny that one too. OOH! Eric sings again at the end."

"There's more, Julie," said Carol.

"What?" said Julia, then seeing it. "OH MY."

She looked curious at Carol.

"Says I...I...mess with 'im, like smooch on him and stuff."

"Push the ol' buttons, girl," said Carol.

"Can I get away with that?"

"Turnabout's fair play Julie, he smooched on you the first bit you ever did."

"That's right! Oh boy oh boy this'll be fun," smiled Julia. "Oh..naughty thought."

"No, no, no, no for this you're allowed that as well," said Carol.

"So I can think naughty things while I'm snoggin' on him?"

"You could go as far as you'd want with 'im, only you can't shag."

"Ooh..says I'm a sexy girl," said Julia in an awed voice.

Carol laughed: "We're their sex kittens, Julie. Any time the need for an object to go gooey over they'll go gooey for us."

"Fantabulous!" said Julia. "I think I could get used to this!"

Carol laughed.

"Silly goose," she said playfully. "You were lucky to keep a straight face on when they did the Nudge Nudge bit."

"Aye," snickered Julia. "I love that, get the giggles everytime. Can't believe I'm on telly with you gear people."

"Believe it, 'cause you're one of us gear people. Don't you forget it," said a voice.

"Oh! Hey TJ!"

"Hey Julie," he smiled. "What are you two up to?"

"Well, Chuckles and I are rereading the script for tonight," teased Carol. "I told her to be prepared to have you lot go goo for her."

TJ raised an eyebrow.

"Ruined the surprise, eh?"

Julia blushed.

"Don't worry dear," he winked. "I got permission."

"Oh," said Julia in a embarrassed tone.

TJ patted her on the shoulder, a big sunny smile on his face, and she couldn't help but smile back.

"You alright?" he asked.


He leaned in conspiratorially and said, "I think you guys are great together, you and Eric."

"Thanks," whispered Julia.

He smiled again, then whispered, "Good luck," and was gone.

The show was about to start, and Julia rushed to find her place.


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