Just the Three of Us: Chapter 5

"Well," said Connie softly. "I do know one thing. You like him back."

"Y' what?" sputtered Julia.

"You like Michael just as much as Eric. I can tell."

"Just as a friend, that's all!" Julia squeaked. "I swear it!"

"A woman knows these things, Julie," said Connie.

"What if I did then, eh? Any ideas how bloody hard it is to possibly like two men, two smashing gorgeous knock-you-out men at the same time? No? Didn't think so. Truth is, I think Michael's fab. He's smart, sweet as pie, and I love that little face of his. But Eric...ohhh...I'm a goner over 'im. I met him first, see? I know 'im better."

Connie nodded.

"And I see him, every day..every night. It's nice to not wake up alone, you know? And NO we've not done it. But he...he gets me. And he loves me, I know for a fact. Honestly loves me, doesn't just say he does to get a quick snooker. I'll do the right thing by Michael see? If something comes up, I'll let him down easy. I love him as a mate, nothing more. If fate'd changed it mighta been him I saw first. But Eric was the one. I saw him, he saw me, and that was it."

"I knew you'd do the right bit all along, Julie. Just testing you."

"What was all that in aid of then?"

Connie grinned.

"It's easy getting information out of our kid, girls. She folds like a house of cards."


"Oh yeah?" joked Allie. "What's with the blush then?"

Julia covered her face. "Sometimes.." she stammered. "Sometimes when..when I see either one of those two lads...I ..I think..naughty things."

"Oh?" said Allie, eyebrow raised. "Think of either one starkers then?"

Julia nodded, eyes down.

"You think you're a wicked one for that?"

"Cor, girl, you're not wicked!" laughed Carol. "I've done that, sure Connie has as well."

Allison laughed. "Guilty, but not a word to TJ. Not a word."

"That's the beauty of Python, Julie," said Carol. " We get to be all snuggie with those lads. No strings attached. Save for Connie, since she's a missus."

"They've asked me what to do to mess with TJ for bits like that," laughed Allison, "I told Carol for one bit how TJ goes bonkers when you blow in his ear. She did it and he'd come home all wound up like a Jack in the box."

"And Mike's ticklish," said Connie. "You know that for yourself."

Julia nodded.

"Gillie you can't mess with that much, he's never 'round. Always swanning off, drawing."

"As for John...well," said Connie. "He's fun to mess with, but he hides his reactions. He's hard to defeat."

"And Gray..well, for a pooftah, he's a smash of a kisser. But he tells you if you do it wrong."

"He does?"

"Problem is, you really can't do somethin' like that wrong. He usually does that to score another take."

Julia nodded, listening.

"Eric's weak in the neck."

"What they going on about?" squeaked TJ.

"Who they?"

"THEM they! The women've bloody ganged up."

Graham peered in the direction he'd indicated, smoking his pipe.

"Ohh I see. Ah yes, having a powwow."

"About what?"

"Us men obviously."

"What they saying?"

"Can't tell?"

"No!" said Eric.

Graham smirked to himself, a wicked gleam in his eye.

"Damn you Chapman," grumbled Mike. "Damn you and your lip reading."

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