Just the Three of Us: Chapter 2

There's how you should be," said TJ. "Not all gloomy. That's the Mike I know the one that's always grinning 'bout something." 

"Aye, but it's hard to be happy all of the time. I found that out."

TJ sighed. "True. Still have to make an effort out of it. As far as the bit with Julie, the best thing you could do is be honest with her. If she feels the same, groovy. If not, it'll be okay too. She's a good girl, Mike. I don't think she'd hurt anyone."

Mike shook his head. "No she wouldn't."

"Truth is, keep this to yourself, mate, I think we all got snookered first time we seen her. Even an old married like me."

Mike grinned. "Got you too, eh?"

"Even Gray! Can you believe that?"

"Gray too? Serious?"

"Aye, couldn't stop talking about her. We lads fell for her, the girls made best buddies with her. I think Julie's a keeper."

Mike sighed. "That she is, that she is."

The redo of the sketch went better, Julia sitting very still, not saying anything.

TJ stood on the sidelines, watching two of his friends trying their best not to get caught staring at her, she doing her best not to stare back.

He hoped things would work out , that there wouldn't be any strife for anyone. If Eric was known as the tenderheart, TJ was the peacemaker, the voice of reason. He too got into barneys as much as the next bloke, but he'd always find a way to sort things out.

Another skit came up later on, where all the lads were in drag.

Carol and Julia were boys and Julia was practicing trying to sound like a boy, but her voice just was a squeak. Every word she said, she sounded like Mickey Mouse. "I can't do it, Caro," she said. " I can't! I sound like I'm bloody three!"

"Your tie's on too tight, Julie," she said, "Hold on," as she tried to help. "Where'd you learn to tie knots like this?"

"I dunno! All the air's leavin' me lungs!" croaked Julia.

"Bit dramatic, eh?"


Carol rolled her eyes.

"Hold on hold on," said Mike. "I'll save you Froggy."

"There you are, you see? He'll HELP me," said Julia, playfully. "You just pick on me."

Carol made a face and laughed.

Julia turned round, looking right into Mike's eyes.

"Thanks," she said softly.

"Not a problem," said Mike, "Get you all straightened up."

He fought to keep his self control as he fiddled with the offending tie, all the tumbly feelings he was having about her swirling around his brain. Fighting the urge to pounce, knowing he shouldn't 'cause Eric was in viewing range.

Funny he didn't show. Lucky I did.


"Oh, sorry, sorry Jules, got lost for a second there."

"Penny for your thoughts then?"

He found himself blushing for about half a second.

"Oh I see," said Julia softly. "Keepin' them secret then. 'Tis alright. Lovely dress by the way."

Mike's blush went brighter, realizing he was in drag, instead of normal.

"Thank you," he said in a girlish voice, trying not to smile.

Julia giggled. "Not a problem miss," she said in a hopefully sounding like a boy voice.

"Still sound like Mickey Mouse, Jules," he said, switching back to normal.

"Bloody hell!"

"Julie!" called TJ in a feminine voice. "LANGUAGE!"

Carol howled laughing as did the rest of the Pythons. Julia just covered her face in shame.

"'Tis alright," said Graham, coming up from behind her. "We'll just say you haven't hit puberty yet."


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