Nowadays Every Night: Chapter 16

The next morning, Julia kept her word, sliding out from underneath Michael's arm, dressing quickly and quietly in the darkness.

She crept across the room to the door, looking back at him as he lay asleep.

Sweet dreams..My Galahad.

Julia opened the door and crept away.

As she quietly walked down the hall, her first thought was to go to her and Eric's room.

That girl's probably still there.

She felt like a girl without a country for a moment, then decided to go down to the hotel lobby, and kip out on the couch for a bit.

Which she promptly did, giggling softly to herself as she went back to sleep.

Later that day was the scene back in the forest, which was King Arthur and Sir Bedevere's return to the Knights of Ni, to deliver the shrubbery. Julia was back as TJ's horse.

"What's got you so cheerful?" he asked as she skipped around.

"Just happy. I'm a horse, see?" she laughed. "Got to practice me prancing."

"Silly girl," he smiled. "Never gave you a name did we?"


Graham smiled at her too, as if to say Feeling better?

She beamed back at him from ear to ear.

Graham chuckled. "I know what we can call 'er, Jones."

"What then?"


TJ grinned as did Gilliam.


Ahead of them, she could see Michael putting on that clunker of a helmet.

"What you think then, Palin?" Graham called out.

"I like it!"

Julia started giggling.

"You going to behave yourself Sunny girl, or are you going to giggle all day?"

When no one was looking, Michael peeped his head out of the Ni helmet, and winked at Julia.

Julia lost it then, nearly rolling on the ground.

"Get up you," smiled Graham.


Before they shot the scene, once everyone was in position, TJ whispered to Julia. "For someone who got cheated on, you're surprisingly cheerful. Not saying it's a bad thing, but.."

Julia looked at him. "'s amazing what a good night's sleep can do for a person. Cures all ills."

And across the way Michael coughed.

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