Nowadays Every Night: Chapter 11

TJ understood completely, feeling even worse as he watched her leave, unsure where she was going to go.

As Julia walked really fast down the hallway, her feelings went from sadness to anger to horror to ran the whole gamut of sad feelings a person could feel.

While she was lost in her thoughts, Mike was coming up the hall, going to his room.

"Hey Jules!" he said cheerfully.

She weakly waved hello.

"What's wrong?"

" C-Can..Can I go in there with you? Just for a moment?" she said in a shaky voice. "I can't..I can't be alone now."

"Sure!" he said, opening the door. "Come on in."

A couple of hours later, she sat on his bed next to him, after she'd poured her heart out, from Eric's the feelings she'd kept hidden.

"You love me?" he said softly.

Julia nodded. "Have for a while now. Please don't be mad, Meep. Please."

"I"m not," he said softly, turning to face her. "As a matter of fact, I've been in love with you for a VERY long time."

"But what about those other girls?"

"I'm dead fond of them, sure," he said in an even softer tone, reaching out to touch her arm. "Always will love 'em both for certain. But one thing's different."


She shivered as Michael brushed the hair away from her shoulder.

"They're not you," he whispered, before giving her a kiss on the neck.

Michael hesitated before trying to kiss her again, for fear she'd slap him across the face.

Instead, she reached out, pulling his face to hers, kissing him as hard as she could.

All thought went out the window soon after that, as he took her into his arms, being able to do what he'd dreamed of doing for so VERY long.

Julia relaxed when he did, she knew she was basically doing essentially what Eric was doing to her, but in this instance..things seemed so right, and genuine..and meant to be.

Her feelings had amplified when she, Mike, and that girl Dani had shot the doctoring scene, happening when she'd lifted the bottom edge of Mike's tunic, and placed her hand on the thigh of his left leg.

She felt her heart stop beating, and noticed Mike's reaction to her, wondering if it had been real..or just REALLY good acting.

But now she knew the truth.

And felt horrible because she was helping him betray someone too.

But she couldn't turn off the love she felt..the need she had for him.

Maybe someday, but not now.

Not now.

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